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Reimagine power conversion systems and their business models

Working with the R&D and Innovation department, Stim explored new technological concepts for power conversion to meet new needs brought by the renewable energy revolution across different dimensions: technologies, usage, production and services.

Readapt the technology and service roadmap of power conversion systems to prepare for upcoming evolutions in renewable energy

The shift toward renewables is gaining momentum, with new standards being introduced on different parts of the value chain. In terms of usage, consumers can now produce themselves, owning parts of or the entire supply end. Technology-wise, new types of power levels produced off-grid might render existing technologies obsolete. Simultaneously, this integration of off-grid power opens new opportunities to imagine new business models and services: remote energy management systems, utility-based or market-based capacity and reserve demand response, etc.

Facing these upcoming threats and opportunities, the R&D and Innovation director called out for Stim to accompany the exploration of these new potential solutions and to structure an experimentation plan.

Our solution

An updated portfolio with new technologies and services to stay ahead of the renewable energy revolution

In collaboration with the R&D and Innovation director, Stim implemented a long-range plan :  

  • An exploration based on the C-K method to propose a set of new concepts, including new technologies and business models, with a team of 34 experts and managers of the company

  • An experimentation roadmap to test concepts with the highest potential, both in terms of technology and market value

  • Tests of two most viable solutions with a fast-track program: Virtual Startup

In five months, the R&D and Innovation team proposed a new investment strategy for technology and services for renewable energy to the Executive Committee. Several projects were chosen to be launched in R&D, along with two startups created six months later. One of them is now selling its products on the market. 

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